DIS-IDENTITY POLITICS (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

The discussion of V for Vendetta – on Pinocchio Theory in particular – has been far more interesting than the film deserved. Yes, there is a certain frission in seeing a major Hollywood movie refusing to unequivocally condemn terrorism, but the political analysis in the film (as in the original comic) is really rather threadbare. … More DIS-IDENTITY POLITICS (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

LONDON AFTER THE RAVE (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

‘From the moment that human beings started communicating with electrical and electromagnetic signals, the ether has been a spooky place. Four years after Samuel Morse strung up his first telegraph wire in 1844, two young girls in upstate New York kick-started Spiritualism, a massively popular occult religion which attempted to fuse science and seance. […] … More LONDON AFTER THE RAVE (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

REFLEXIVE IMPOTENCE (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

Why are French students out on the streets rejecting neo-liberalism, while British students, whose situation is incomparably worse, resigned to their fate? The answer to that question is partly, also, an answer to why a group like the Arctic Monkeys connect with British teenagers. It is a matter not of apathy, nor of cynicism, but … More REFLEXIVE IMPOTENCE (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

‘EVEN WHEN SHE TELLS THE TRUTH, IT’S A LIE’ (kpunk.abstractdynamics)

‘Catherine is older in this film and the situations are different – she’s challenging the whole psychoanalytic system…’ MadeinAtlantis.com ‘Heck, even the way she wears her clothes is fascinating. Her costume designer has given her a series of line-straddling outfits. At one point, one hand is gloved and the other ungloved, and several of her … More ‘EVEN WHEN SHE TELLS THE TRUTH, IT’S A LIE’ (kpunk.abstractdynamics)


The Economist’s response to the unrest in Paris is entirely predictable and intermittently hilarious but contains some points that need to be addressed. On Friday, in a paradigmatic statement of neo-liberal ideology, the Economist repeated the acerbic observation it had already made (at least twice) in its previous edition. Whereas the events of Paris 68 … More AGAINST IMMOBILIZATION, AGAINST NOMADOLOGY (kpunk.abstractdynamics)