Fearing is believing (Hyperstition)

Ian Softley’s The Skeleton Key is about Hoodoo. Although in some ways similar to Voodoo, Hoodoo is Central rather than West African in origin. The American Blues is often linked with Voodoo, but it probably has more connections with Hoodoo. Hoodoo practicioners are explicitly referred to as twin entities – “two-headed doctors,” “two-head women,” and … More Fearing is believing (Hyperstition)

I met a man who wasn’t there: the ethics of Ashbless (Hyperstition)

‘Templeton sits immobile in his attic room, immersed in the deceptively erratic ticking of his old nautical clock, lost in meditation upon JC Chapman’s hermetic engraving. It now seems that this complex image, long accepted as a portrait of Kant, constitutes a disturbing monogram of his own chronological predicament. As if in mockery of stable … More I met a man who wasn’t there: the ethics of Ashbless (Hyperstition)